Content with keyword: fairness

Why does not everybody purchase fair trade products? The question of the fairness of fair trade products’ consumption for consumers

Virginie Diaz Pedregal & Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in International Journal of Consumer Studies 35 (2011) 655–660.

illustration-fairtradeCurrent statistics show that more than three out of four people in France have heard about fair trade. However, fair trade goods are purchased in significantly higher proportions by executive class people, individuals with a postgraduate education, urban dwellers and high-income earners. Why does not everybody purchase fair trade products? An important question follows: is fair trade not really fair for consumers?… >> continue reading

PICRI project on fair trade in Ile-de-France

This 2007-2009 project supported by the French Ile-de-France Region (through the PICRI ‘Partenariat Institutions-Citoyens pour la Recherche et l’Innovation’ program) has brought together researchers and practitioners in the field of fair trade, in particular Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Équitable, Institut d’Études sur le Développement Économique et Social (IEDES) and FairNESS association (to which I contributed).

The main objective has been to promote and develop fair trade in the region through strenghtening the links between practitioners and researchers in the area.… >> continue reading

Fair Trade: Just How « Fair » Are the Exchanges?

Amina Béji-Bécheur, Virginie Diaz Pedregal and Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in Journal of Macromarketing 2008; 28; 44.

Fair trade has become increasingly recognized and studied since the late 1990s. It purports to be an example of a “fairer” exchange than conventional trade between South producers and North purchasers. Beyond the controversial definition of a “fair trade,” it is important to query stakeholder practices: To what extent do fair trade stakeholders actually practice the principles of justice in exchanges?… >> continue reading