List of presentations at scientific conferences dealing with ethnicity, acculturation and cross-cultural issues in consumption (particularly related to immigrant populations).
- BECHEUR A., OURAHMOUNE N. and Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2013), Mare nostrum: The Roots of Mediterranean Consumer Culture, Interpretive Consumer Research, April 11-12, Bruxelles (Sessions Special)
- ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. et PENALOZA L. (2010), Acculturating Masculinity: Second Generation Turks Becoming Men, in special session « Consumer Acculturation in an Age of Globalization: Critiques, Revisions and Advances », Co-Chairs : Dannie Kjeldgaard and Marius K. Luedicke, ACR Jacksonville
- CHYTKOVA Z. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2010), She, who has the spoon, has the power: Immigrant Women’s Use of Food to Negotiate Power Relations, Advances in Consumer Research(Special session)
- BEJI-BECHEUR A. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2010), L’ethnique et l’éthique: la responsabilité du chercheur en gestion, Journée AIMS « Ethique, responsabilité sociale et pratiques de recherche en management », Lyon, March 31. (Competitive session)
- HADJ HMIDA M., OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and FOSSE-GOMEZ M.H. (2009), Towards an understanding of media usage and acculturation, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, eds. A.L. McGill and S. Shavitt, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, pp.524-531. (Competitive session)
- HADJ HMIDA M. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2009), Ethnicité et choix du point de vente, Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française du Marketing, Londres, May 14-15. (Competitive session)
- OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and ÜSTÜNER T. (2009), How Do Historical Relationships between the Host and Home Countries Shape the Immigrants’ Consumer Acculturation Processes?, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, eds. A.L. McGill and S. Shavitt, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research,pp.16-19. (Special session)
- BEJI-BECHEUR A., JAMEL A., OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and ZOUAGHI S. (2008), Ethnicity and Consumption in Europe: Comparing and Contrasting France and the UK, European Advances in Consumer Research, Eds. S. Borghini, M. A. McGrath, C. C. Otnes, pp.283-284. (Working paper)
- BEJI-BECHEUR A. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2008), Couscous connexion : l’histoire d’un plat migrant, 13èmes Journées de Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, November 13-14. (Competitive session)
- BEJI-BECHEUR A., OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and ZOUAGHI S. (2007), Ethnicity, Acculturation, and Consumption in France, La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior, La Londe Les Maures, June 5-8. (Competitive session)
- NGUYEN N. and ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2014), Kpop vs Apop: Theorizing the Empowerment of Dominated Culture from Popular Culture Production and Consumption, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, june 26-29 (Poster session)
- ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2011), Participation to Multicultural Marketplaces Track, Transformative Consumer Research, Baylor University, Waco – Texas, June 24-26
- GODEFROIT-WINKEL D., ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. and FOSSE-GOMEZ M.-H. (2010), Acculturation to global culture in Morroco, ACR International Workshop “Enhancing the Status of Consumer Research in Non-Western Contexts”, Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, July 5-6
- OURAHMOUNE N. and ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2010), Kabyle exogamic weddings ceremonies and feminine fashion consumption: A non-western case of acculturation, avec Nassima Ourahmoune, ACR International Workshop “Enhancing the Status of Consumer Research in Non-Western Contexts”, Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, July 5-6
- OURAHMOUNE N. and ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2010), Feminine fashion consumption in Non-western contexts: The case of the exogamic Kabyle wedding ceremonies in Algeria, 5th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, University of Wisconsin, June 10-13
- OURAHMOUNE N. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2009), Mariages kabyles et exogamie : une exploration du concept d’acculturation en comportement du consommateur dans un contexte méditerranéen extra-européen, Journées méditerranéennes, Università Bocconi, Milan, June 22-23
- BEJI-BECHEUR A. and OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2009), Liberty – Egality – Couscous ! Understanding How the Ethnic Territories are Constructed in the Food Culture, 4th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Ann Arbor, June 11-14
- STAMBOLI C. and OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2009), I think I am nostalgic: when nostalgia constructs immigrants’ identity, 4th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Ann Arbor, June 11-14
- OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2009), Inheriting Fathers’ Wrongs: Historical Memory in Acculturation Research, Interpretive Consumer Research, Milan, Avril 2-3
- BEJI-BECHEUR A. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2008), Couscous connexion : l’histoire d’un plat migrant, Journées méditerranéennes, Euromed, Marseille, July 3-4
- OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and USTUNER T. (2008), A colonial past, the elephant in the room: How Do Historical Relationships Between The Host And Home Countries Shape The Immigrants’ Consumer Acculturation Processes?, Working paper, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Boston, June 19 – 22
- BEJI-BECHEUR A., OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. and ZOUAGHI S. (2007), La méditerranée multi-ethnique : une approche introspective, Journées d’Etudes sur le Marketing Méditerranéen, à l’Università Bocconi, Milan, July 11