Welcome to my website www.not-marketing.fr. This is not a marketing website… or maybe it is 🙂
I am a Professor of marketing at the University of Lille, and currently vice-president of the University (in charge of International Affairs).
I have also been a regular visiting professor at the University of Southern Denmark, at the University of Wuhan, China and at the Universities of Galatasaray and Ege, Turkey, as well as editor in chief of the French Journal RAM (Recherches et Applications en Marketing) from 2014 to 2018.
My research topics focus on theoretical issues in transformative research and in consumer culture theory (consumer resistance, ethical consumption, acculturation, identity projects), social marketing and public policy implications (e.g. immigration, fair trade, sustainable development).
My research has appeared in several journals, such as RAM, Organisation Studies, Revue Française de Gestion, Décisions Marketing, Marketing Theory, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Marketing Management, etc.
I am serving on editorial boards of the journals RAM, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Journal of Marketing Management, Qualitative Market Research, and Journal of Marketing in Brazil. I am also a co-founder and former president of FairNESS (Network on Exchanges in Social Sciences) and a member of the ACR and AFM.
I remain active in the French Marketing Association, the Association for Consumer Research, and the Consortium of Consumer Culture Theory.
I hold:
- a PhD in Marketing (Université Lille, France). « Contribution of the concept of identity to the understanding of responsible consumer behavior : application to the consumption of fair trade products » (in French, 2005)
- two MBAs in Management and Service Marketing (Université Lille, France).
In 2011, I passed the French national examination to become a full University Professor (concours externe de l’Agrégation).
On this website, you can access my recent research projects and activities, abstracts of my published papers and other information. Thanks for your visit!

Courtesy of Magritte