Editorial RAM (2015) : Premiers pas

Editorial de Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse, Recherche et Applications en Marketing.

Je ressens beaucoup de plaisir et d’honneur en écrivant ces lignes pour le premier volume de RAM publié sous mon mandat de rédactrice en chef. Plaisir, car c’est une revue que j’ai toujours appréciée en tant que lectrice et contributrice. Le numéro spécial sur le marketing et le développement durable que j’ai co-dirigé avec Amina Bécheur a été une bonne occasion de me familiariser avec « l’envers du décor ».

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Considering the Human Properties of the Non-Humans: An Analysis of Pragmatogony in Dispossession Stories

mannequin-boisHélène Cherrier, Meltem Türe, and Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse. Published in Consumer Culture Theory : Research in Consumer Behavior, vol. 16, Emerald, 99-114.

Based on Latour’s view that humans and non-humans swap properties, this paper explores whether objects embody similar properties as human beings and whether these properties per se orient dispossession practices.  The study adopts Latour’s pragmatogonies as a theoretical perspective to explore the complex interplay between humans and non-humans in the context of dispossession.… >> continue reading

Taking the Transformative Consumer Research movement global

Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse and James E. Burroughs. Introduction to the special issue on transformative consumer research of Journal of Marketing Management, 30:17-18, 1723-1727.

It has now been almost 10 years since David Mick beseeched the consumer research community to do better in terms of looking out for the welfare of the consumer and not just their own academic interests. Since Mick’s plea, a grass-roots movement has taken hold within consumer research, one with little formal structure and even fewer formal roles.

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What Do We Really Need? Questioning Consumption Through Sufficiency

Hélène Gorge, Maud Herbert, Nil Özçglar-Toulouse and Isabelle Robert. Paper published in Journal of Macromarketing 1-12 (2014).

illustration-sufficiencyThis article introduces the concept of sufficiency, its specific dual nature (voluntary and obliged), and its collective implications to the literature on sustainability. Sufficiency implies a reorganization of consumption priorities and is introduced by a discussion of consumerism and the dominant social paradigm. Long interviews with sufficient people show the complexity of the construct, which creates semantic oppositions around the notion of having (everything vs.… >> continue reading

La grande distribution face aux mouvements anti-consuméristes

Chapter written with Ahmed Benmecheddala in Repenser le commerce : vers une perspective socio-culturelle de la distribution (September 2014, ed. Collin-Lachaud I, Cormelles-Le-Royal, EMS Societing).

Book website: http://www.editions-ems.fr/livres/collections/societing/ouvrage/334-repenser-le-commerce.html >> continue reading

PhD student: Anthony Beudaert [completed]

phd-a-beudaertPhD student from 2014 to 2018 on disabled consumers, he successfully defended his thesis « Vers une meilleure compréhension du vécu du consommateur en situation de handicap sensoriel » in 2018 and was finalist for Best PhD of the French Marketing Association Award.

My research under the supervision of Prof. Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse focused on sensory disability.

Although disabled consumers are mainly studied through the lens of stigma, this research aimed to deepen our understanding of the subjective and experiential aspects of their consumption.

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Institutionalization of sustainable development and emergence of sustainable marketing

Amina Béji-Bécheur and Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse. Editorial in Recherche et Applications Marketing, 2014, 29(3) 3-9.

Sustainable development is now introduced into discourses as an alternative and legitimate model to address one of the problems of our modern times: it is high time we combined both economic development and the preservation of natural resources, social rights and equity in the distribution of created wealth (…)

Read full text on: http://rme.sagepub.com/content/29/3/3.full.pdf+html

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The polysemic meanings of couscous consumption in France

Amina Béji-Bécheur, Nacima Ourahmoune and Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse. Paper published in Journal of Consumer Behaviour, J. Consumer Behav. 13: 196–203 (2014).

illustration-couscousThis article reflects on consumer representations of a typical southern Mediterranean dish that has remained a centerpiece of cultural encounters ever since it was developed in North Africa: couscous. France—a country whose own cuisine is world-renowned, yet which regularly ranks couscous as one of its top three favourite national dishes, and which hosts the largest North African population in Europe—seemed a fertile site for an investigation of the polysemic meanings attached to couscous, a nomad product embedded in socio-historical interrelationships on both shores of the Mediterranean.… >> continue reading

Expériences de consommation des individus pauvres en France: apports du Bas de la Pyramide et de la Transformative Consumer Research

Hélène Gorge & Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in Décisions Marketing n°72, Octobre-Décembre 2013.

Consumption experiences of French poor people: knowledge from the Bottom of Pyramid and the Transformative Consumer Research

illustration-cashThis article puts into perspective the challenges of the two existing approaches on poverty: the Bottom of Pyramid and the Transformative Consumer Research. To do so, we explore the experiences of French poor people, a recent category of consumers in marketing.… >> continue reading

4th Transformative Consumer Research Conference in Lille (May 2013)

For its fourth edition in 2013, the Transformative Consumer Research Conference has crossed the Atlantic for the first time and taken place in Lille at SKEMA Business School. Lille was chosen to broaden participation in this international event and grow enthusiasm for the TCR movement.

I had the pleasure to co-chair the conference with Prof. Jim Burroughs. I would like to express my gratitude to the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), to Conseil Régional Nord-Pas de Calais, Université Lille 2 and SKEMA Business School who sponsored the event.… >> continue reading