Scientific papers

Ethnicity in the Study of the Consumer: an Overview

Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Amina Béji-Bécheur, Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez, Maud Herbert and Sondes Zouaghi. Paper published in Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 24(4), p.57-76, 2009.

This article discusses the work on ethnicity as a social construct. It traces the evolution of research on this theme by proposing to distinguish two major approaches that reflect epistemological and methodological orientations. These approaches are distinguished according to whether they consider ethnicity as a feature or as a resource.… >> continue reading

Augmenter le pouvoir d’achat par l’auto-réduction : Les Robins des bois des supermarchés

Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez & Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in  Décisions Marketing N°56 Octobre-Décembre 2009.

La grande distribution française est aujourd’hui confrontée à des actions d’autoréduction de la part de consommateurs en quête de pouvoir d’achat. Ces actions, qui peuvent prendre la forme de vols collectifs, imposent une baisse de prix des biens ou des services. Pour en décrypter les mécanismes et fondements, cette recherche s’appuie sur une démarche interprétative d’inspiration ethnographique faisant appel à des entretiens et à des observations in situ et sur internet.… >> continue reading

What Meaning do Responsible Consumers Give to their Consumption? An Approach by Narratives

Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Volume : 24, Numero :3/2009, Pages : 3-23.

illustration-caddieCurrent ethical, social and environmental concerns are reviving the topic of meaning in consumption practices. In order to improve our understanding of responsible consumers, this article studies the meaning of responsible consumption using the method of narratives and a structural analysis. The results show a set of common features among narrators: escaping ill-being, searching for the authentic self, avoiding isolation and controlling one’s own life.… >> continue reading

Towards an Understanding of Media Usage and Acculturation

Manel Hadj Hmida, Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse and Marie-Helene Fosse-Gomez. Paper published in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 36, 2009.

This investigation focuses on the role of the media in the acculturation processes of Maghrebins in France. It seeks to assess the extent to which the media are an agent for acculturation in this specific immigrant population. We carried out thirteen in-depth interviews with a varied sample group, using an interpretative approach. We considered three types of media in this research: the ‘French’ media, the ‘Arab’ media, and the ‘ethnic’ media produced in France but directed at the Maghrebins.… >> continue reading

Fair Trade: Just How « Fair » Are the Exchanges?

Amina Béji-Bécheur, Virginie Diaz Pedregal and Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in Journal of Macromarketing 2008; 28; 44.

Fair trade has become increasingly recognized and studied since the late 1990s. It purports to be an example of a “fairer” exchange than conventional trade between South producers and North purchasers. Beyond the controversial definition of a “fair trade,” it is important to query stakeholder practices: To what extent do fair trade stakeholders actually practice the principles of justice in exchanges?… >> continue reading

Towards an Understanding of Consumption Objectors

Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez & Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in European Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 8, 2008.

This article studies the topic of meaning in consumption practices that are related to the critics of consuming society. In a postmodern world characterized by symbolism in consumption and a global « crisis of meanings », a deep critical posture of consuming society is studied through its contribution to identity construction processes among « very responsible » consumers whom we refer to as « consumption objectors. … >> continue reading

In search of fair trade: ethical consumer decision making

Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Edward Shiu and Deirdre Shaw. Paper published in International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30, 5, September 2006, pp502–514.

While the market for fair trade products has been growing in many countries, this paper examines the French market where fair trade remains marginal but is experiencing growth. Using a modified Theory of Planned Behaviour framework the research examines consumer intention to  purchase fair trade grocery products in order to explain the pertinent decision-making criteria of both consumers of and potential consumers of fair trade.… >> continue reading

Quel marketing pour le commerce équitable ?

Amina Beji-Becheur, Marie-Helene Fosse-Gomez and Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse. Paper published in Decisions Marketing N°39 Juillet-Septembre 2005.

Né dans les années 1960, le commerce équitable, démarche visant à rééquilibrer les relations commerciales internationales. connaît un succès grandissant auprès du grand public. Cet article explore ce phénomène à travers trois interrogations. Qu’est-ce que le commerce équitable ? Quels rapports peut-il entretenir avec un marketing dont il ne cesse de dénoncer les excès ? Comment le commerce équitable peut-il maintenir son rythme de développement sans entrer en conflit avec le commerce conventionnel ?… >> continue reading