Presentations on ethnicity and immigrants
List of presentations at scientific conferences dealing with ethnicity, acculturation and cross-cultural issues in consumption (particularly related to immigrant populations).… >> continue reading
Nil Ozcaglar Toulouse's website
List of presentations at scientific conferences dealing with ethnicity, acculturation and cross-cultural issues in consumption (particularly related to immigrant populations).… >> continue reading
Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Amina Béji-Bécheur, Marie-Hélène Fosse-Gomez, Maud Herbert and Sondes Zouaghi. Paper published in Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 24(4), p.57-76, 2009.
This article discusses the work on ethnicity as a social construct. It traces the evolution of research on this theme by proposing to distinguish two major approaches that reflect epistemological and methodological orientations. These approaches are distinguished according to whether they consider ethnicity as a feature or as a resource.… >> continue reading
Manel Hadj Hmida, Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse and Marie-Helene Fosse-Gomez. Paper published in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 36, 2009.
This investigation focuses on the role of the media in the acculturation processes of Maghrebins in France. It seeks to assess the extent to which the media are an agent for acculturation in this specific immigrant population. We carried out thirteen in-depth interviews with a varied sample group, using an interpretative approach. We considered three types of media in this research: the ‘French’ media, the ‘Arab’ media, and the ‘ethnic’ media produced in France but directed at the Maghrebins.… >> continue reading
This project supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (National Research Agency) between 2007 and 2010 has focused on the concept of ethnicity in consumption. Immigrant communities from Maghreb and Turkey in France have been analysed, with the aim to understand how consumption practices relate to identity and acculturation processes.
The support from ANR has been particularly useful to establish a network of researchers from varied fields and enable intercultural comparisons.… >> continue reading