“Do not expect me to stay quiet”: Challenges in managing a historical strategic resource

CAILLUET L., GORGE H. et OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2018). Published in Organisation Studies, 39 (12), 1811-1835.

In this paper we explore how a historical strategic resource (HSR) could be used by an organization. We propose that within an organization, HSR is both an asset and an arena for power struggle. Our contributions stand at several levels at the crossroads of strategic management and organizational studies. First, we show the importance of various stakeholders in constructing a HSR.… >> continue reading

Sobriété et normes de consommation: une analyse des pratiques de sobriété volontaires et contraintes

GORGE H., HERBERT M., ÖZÇAGLAR-TOULOUSE N., ROBERT I. (2018). Publié dans La sobriété énergétique, un enjeu d’équité sociale, ed. Semal L. and Villalba B., Paris, Quæ, 159-172.

Face à la crise écologique globale, la transition énergétique est aujourd’hui devenue un enjeu crucial pour les démocraties modernes. Pourtant, l’essentiel des politiques de transition mises en œuvre restent animées par un idéal d’abondance énergétique, et concentrent leurs efforts sur les aspects techniques du problème : gains d’efficacité et promotion des renouvelables.… >> continue reading

Considering ‘Waste Value’ in the Circular Economy

CHERRIER, H., TÜRE, M., & OZCAGLAR-TOULOUSE, N. (2018). Published in Robert Crocker, Christopher Saint, Guanyi Chen, Yindong Tong (ed.) Unmaking Waste in Production and Consumption: Towards the Circular Economy, 91 – 102.

Designing and manufacturing long-lasting things and minimizing the use of material resources are central concerns to the circular economy. Yet, repairing and repurposing objects, and the experiences and knowledge of those who extend the life of objects at the consumption level, are absent from discussions on the circular economy.… >> continue reading

Toward an Understanding of Young Consumers’ Daily Consumption Practices in Post-Doi Moi Vietnam

NGUYEN N.N, ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. KJELDGAARD D. (2018). Published in Journal of Business Research, 86, 490-500.

More than 30 years have passed since Doi Moi, the economic and political reforms that transformed Vietnam into a lower middle-income market from one of the world’s poorest markets. This transformation brought about changes in the consumption practices of Vietnamese consumers. Despite several studies focusing on these changes, the impact of the government’s politics on young Vietnamese consumers’ consumption practices has been largely unexamined.… >> continue reading

Chapter on Michel de Certeau

COVA V. and ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2018). Published in Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory, Edited by Søren Askegaard, Benoît Heilbrunn, Routledge, 221-226.

Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory is the first work to compile the contributions of the greatest social thinkers in the global conversation about consumption and consumer culture. A prestigious reference work, it offers original chapters by the world’s most prominent thought leaders and surveys how the work of historical theorists has influenced and shaped consumption theory, both through history and at the cutting edge of research.… >> continue reading

Espaces de « coworking » : une forme originale de consommation (et de production) collaborative

TOUSSAINT S. et Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2017). Publié dans Decrop A. La consommation collaborative : Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage, De Boeck, 153-174.

Depuis quelques années, l’économie collaborative – souvent qualifiée d’économie du partage – connaît un succès fulgurant. Elle se fonde sur l’échange, la vente ou le don de biens ou de services entre particuliers. Les acteurs de cette nouvelle économie en deviennent donc à la fois consommateurs et producteurs.… >> continue reading

Les cadres théoriques et méthodologiques pour étudier la pauvreté en marketing

GORGE H. et Özçağlar-Toulouse N. (2017). Publié dans Delacroix E. and Gorge H. (2017), Marketing et pauvreté : être pauvre dans la société de consommation, Paris, Editions Management et Société, 94-113.

Dans l’ouvrage Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, Prahalad (2004) invite les entreprises à prendre en compte, dans leurs stratégies, les personnes pauvres. Selon l’auteur, ces dernières représentent un important marché qui pourrait être rentable, mais reste pourtant inexploité.… >> continue reading

Ethical qualities in consumption: Towards a theory of care

Deirdre Shaw, Robert McMaster, Cristina Longo, Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse (2017). Published in Marketing Theory.

This article seeks to develop an empirically grounded theorization of care. Current care theory tends to be conceived along philosophical, psychological and labour dimensions, with much of the literature focusing on caring labour and, therefore, invoking a productionist orientation.

By contrast, our focus on consumption suggests a reorientation in conceptualizing care to more fully apprehend the nuances of care neglected in a consumption context.… >> continue reading

Rethinking Alternative Markets in the Context of Economic Crisis and Austerity in Greece

BENMECHEDDAL A., GORGE H. and ÖZÇAĞLAR-TOULOUSE N. (2017). Published in Journal of MacroMarketing, 37 (2), 193-205.

Alternative markets are often described as exchange systems for people who wish to escape the capitalist markets. In this article, we argue that alternative markets may also emerge in a context of economic constraint, in which people have restricted access to mainstream markets. In order to survive, they have to find alternative ways of obtaining goods and services.… >> continue reading

Consumer Culture Theory (Research in Consumer Behavior), Volume 18

Edited by Nil Özçaglar-Toulouse, Diego Rinallo and Russell W. Belk (2016).

The chapters in this volume are selected from the best papers presented at the 11th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference held in Lille, France in July 2016. The diverse interpretive research and theory represented in this volume provides the reader with intellectually stimulating opportunities to examine the intersections between a variety of topics that represent the cutting edge in consumer research.… >> continue reading